Saturday, August 6, 2016

Lots of Crying

A lot of folks were crying at the convention. Some tears of joy and some tears of sadness.

I would start talking about Hillary getting the nomination and I would start crying. Spontaneously. I truly didn't expect that.

Gen from Annie's List and I were talking about the upcoming election and when they would be endorsing candidates. Our conversation turned back to former state representative Carol Kent. We were both totally in awe of her. How wonderful she was as a candidate and a legislator. She was the perfect candidate. I think we both cried reminiscing about her.

My neighbor Kim was crying the first night because of the disruptions of the Sanders delegates. She was crying that this convention had meant so much to her and they were ruining it for her. On the last night she had a long talk with one of the Sanders supporters and they come up with an agreement. It seems that the Sanders supporter broke the agreement, I think it was not to interrupt during one of the speeches. And Kim was crying again. I told her to ignore them, don't let anyone ruin the moment for us.

I cried during some of the speeches.

However, the moment I really lost it was during Chelsea's speech. When she said that she knew that her grandmother was looking down on her mom and how proud she is. And I was thinking about my mom and hoping she was proud of me. I was initially hesitant about running for national delegate during the mourning period after her passing. But knowing her, she would have wanted me to run. Thank you mom for giving my the courage to go after my dreams.

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