Saturday, July 30, 2016


We were so very busy that it was difficult to keep up with the news. However, I did hear that the Right Wing Media (aka Fox) was also complaining that there weren't any American Flags on the stage. Seriously? We displayed the flag during Pledge of Allegiance and on the jumbo tron on stage.

Well the flags appeared. Just like when Candidate Obama started wearing a flag pin in response to complaints that he was not patriotic.

Wearing flag pins and putting flags on stage doesn't make you patriotic. Do you know what makes you patriotic? Voting each and every election. And knowing who you are voting for. It is not patriotic to vote for Grady Yarbrough thinking he is a relative of Ralph Yarborough. Knowing what each candidate stands for and voting for the one that most closely aligns with your principals. Visiting or writing to your elected representatives also makes you patriotic. Volunteering on campaigns is patriotic.

That is how democracy works. That is what democracy looks like. Flags are a symbol. The person with the flag pin is not more patriotic than anyone else. The people in this country that PARTICIPATE in the democratic process are the patriotic ones.

But they looked great at the convention when everyone was waiving them.

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