Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I'm Running for National Delegate Round 2 - Post 1

I'm Running for National Delegate, Round 2 - Part 1

Eight years ago in Austin, I ran for the one Hillary Clinton female delegate spot in Senate District 8 and won. On a coin toss. This year in San Antonio, I ran for one of the two female Hillary Clinton delegate spots in Senate District 16 and easily won.

Eight years has made a huge difference.

Since 2008 - I helped flip HD 102 and elect Carol Kent. Became President of the Far North Dallas Democrats Club and took it to the next level. Was elected to the State Democratic Executive Committee ("SDEC") in a contentious election in 2012 after redistricting.

2008 in Denver was awesome! Sorry I'm sounding like my 13 year old daughter here, but I can't think of a better word to describe it. I always thought it would be a once in a lifetime experience. I had not planned to run again until recently. Why did I change my mind?

My mother passed away on January 9, 2016. She had been suffering from Alzheimer's disease for the past 5 years but it was especially pronounced during the final year of her life. Although we were all ready for her to pass, we were never really ready. But her passing forced me to take a closer look at how I was living my life and my relationship with my children. My son was a High School Freshman and my daughter was in seventh grade. They would be going off to college soon. And here I was running to club meetings and Austin as a Committeewoman. I could have remained on the SDEC for another two years, and shown up to less meetings and events. But I didn't want to stay on without doing the best job possible. And I wanted to spend more time with my kids.

At the April SDEC meeting, Glen Maxey announced that if we were considering running for National Delegate, he had the forms and would have them notarized. At the March 19 Senatorial Convention, I had already announced that I wasn't going to run again. I filled out the form. One of my SDEC buddies, Carol Wheeler, was also filling out the form. Wouldn't it be great if we were in Philadelphia together?

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