Tomorrow is the big day. I took Friday off from work to ensure I had enough time to take care of everything I needed to take of prior to my Sunday morning departure. Unfortunately, we had a showing scheduled and much of the day was spent getting the house ready. And preparing for Friday night dinner.
I did collect certain buttons to bring with me to Philadelphia.
My 300 pin from Denver (see previous blog post). TDP sustaining member pin, Texas flag pin from Carol Kent, buttons from causes that are close to my heart and of course a Hillary logo button. I will be carrying Far North Dallas Richardson Democrats pins too.
My friend Julie is coming! She will be trying for the same flight as mine. Julie only knew for sure that she was coming a week or so ago. Here is another picture from Denver.
I'll share in a later blog post her story.
Today I was figuring out where and when each event is, how I can squeeze in a visit to the Barnes Foundation and how long a walk it was to attend afternoon prayer services during the convention. The delegate guide had information on Muslim services but nothing about Jewish services (or for Christian services either). There is a prayer room at the convention center but I would be surprised if a scheduled Minyan (10 Jewish men) would be part of it. I'm pretty sure we have an Egalitarian minyan in the Texas delegation but not too sure about a traditional one. Well it isn't AIPAC right? I wonder if they had information for Jewish, not to mention Christian services for the RNC.
I did find two locations in downtown Philadelphia where I could attend afternoon services. As some of you reading this blog might know, my mother passed six months ago. I am in a period of mourning and do try to say Kaddish for her at least once a day. And that requires praying in a group with 10 Jewish men. Wish me luck on accomplishing that goal while I am in Philadelphia!
Friday night dinner is usually spent at my Dad's house with my sister and brother and our families. My dad, although he typically votes Republican, is really proud of me that I am going to National Convention. He did share with me something quite unexpected before I left. He said there were only two Presidential candidates that he had voted for that he loved. He made me guess - Nixon? LBJ? Kennedy? Nope - it was Adlai Stevenson and Hubert Humphrey. And this is from someone who hasn't voted for a Democrat for President since 1972. But he will be voting for a Democrat in 2016.
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