Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Bernie Delegates - Part 1

Unlike the 2008 convention, Hillary and Bernie delegates seemed to be in distinct separate camps. Perhaps it was the fact that the Bernie delegates were new people, most of us didn't know them . The two Bernie delegates from my district were both in their 20's. I had only met one of them at the SD-16 Senatorial Convention and the other after she was elected at State Convention. I do have a lot of friends in my activist circles that did support Bernie over Hillary. But they didn't run for National Delegate.

I knew only a couple of folks in the Bernie camp, Jacob Limon, the state leader and Kathleen Thompson, who I got to know eight years ago in Denver and have gotten to know better since we served on the SDEC together. It seems that all of my other SDEC friends were pledged to Clinton. Every elected official that I personally knew was pledged to Clinton.

The Hillary camp has bent over backwards to engage all of the Bernie supporters. The only thing that would have made some of this extreme element happy would have been for Hillary to step down and given the nomination to Bernie. That's it. Personally, I think she gave away too much and I consider myself to be very liberal.

It seems that only two of Bernie's platform proposals were not accepted - a proposal against the TPP and one for Palestinian Rights. I am personally against the TPP and would have liked to have seen that on the platform. Hillary Clinton has come out against the TPP. However, President Obama is for the TPP and it would have been a personal affront to him had it been included. The other was Palestinian Rights (I will be writing a separate post on anti-Semitism).

My friend Katherine saved a bunch of seats for us at the convention. She specifically said, "I don't want to sit near Sanders supporters." She grabbed two rows of seats. The aisle seats were already taken. Unfortunately, I wound up directly in front of a Bernie fringe supporter.

To clarify, not all Sanders supporters were the fringe supporters. The disruptive ones were definitely in the minority. But those were trying to do whatever they could without having their credentials pulled.

The first evening was embarrassing. There were boos even during the invocation. A frequent chant was "No TPP". Speakers were disrupted. It was awful and embarrassing. Staff members had to come up and tell them to stop. This was after our first delegation breakfast when we were clearly told that booing etc. would be grounds for removal of credentials.

Tuesday night was calmer. After the breakdown at the Tuesday morning breakfast and the removal of the leader's credentials, there seemed to be a calm down.

Tuesday at the convention I wound up talking to another Bernie delegate at one of the many charging stations in the arena. Cliff from the TDP also joined us. He was from Arkansas and very involved with the party. Although he was a Sanders delegate, he was fully supporting Clinton and would be working for her. He shared that the Sanders delegates were planning to behave the next two days and then be disruptive the final night of the convention. He refused to be part of that. I was cringing just thinking about them.

To be continued......


pierro3816 said...

Unlike the 2008 convention, Hillary and Bernie delegates seemed to be in distinct separate camps, Janice, i came to Denver in 2008 as a Bernie supporter.(considred an outside by the DNC)..i had a much different experience than you did...the Hillary delegates were very mean spirited to us, keeping us out of one half of the seating for the delegation..they had daily briefings on what do say and do, unlike the Obama delegates, some of the Hillary delegates left before the big night when Obama accepted the nomination, and then swore to vote for Palin because she was a woman (also probably white!). i don't, in any way, support what the most 'fringy' delegates did to disrupt the 2016 convention and i am very sorry that they forgot they were delegates for Bernie because he acted with great grace.....but many of those who came as delegates were anti-DNC and anti-Hillary and latched on to Bernie's they have dropped their new messiah and have moved on to the new messiah, Jill's a very small, although very vocal, minority...we need to welcome those who see the light and leave the rest behind...they are noise and we need to focus on getting a Dem win in November...

tamsterbath said...

I was one of the Hillary delegates in 2008. I sat with both Clinton and Obama delegates at the convention. I was totally unaware of any special meetings each day for Clinton delegates. We had one meeting with Mrs. Clinton where she released her delegates. Some Clinton people did leave early - that was their loss.